We recently had our IKARUS SOFT and TOUR compete against a very well-known and with €5, very expensive premium “Tour” ball in a robot test. The result even impressed the testers. 6 meters more carry length and 11 !...
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Again and again golf balls are tested. These tests give a clue, but nothing more. A robot always hits the balls exactly the same way and you can find measurable deviations. The differences between the balls are so small that...
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The construction of a golf ball is layered. Each layer can be of different thickness and fulfills different tasks concerning spin, distance, flight height etc.. However, golfers mostly don´t feel a difference between premium balls (whether 3-4 or 5-piece).... Except in...
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The spin of a golf ball sometimes has more influence on the length of the shot than a higher swing speed. With the same swing speed, the optimal spin can impact distance up to 15m. The spin generated depends on...
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The material of the outer layer / cover of a premium golf ball. Urethane is a soft polymer, which gives the player in contrast to the classic "Distance" balls with hard "Surlyn Cover " a much better feel and control over...
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